This Motivational story is collected from a motivational speaker Gaur Gopal Das. This story surely motivate you to fight with the struggle coming on your life.

A best Motivational story by Gaur Gopal Das

In the middle of a very beautiful city, there was a museum. The floor in the museum was laid with marble tiles and right in the centre of the foyer was a huge marble statue as a part of the display.

Many people all over the world visited the museum everyday and admires the beautiful crafted statue.

One Night one of the marvel tiles on the floor started talking to the marble statue 

“ Hey statue, we are originally from the same town, we are picked from the same mine, transported on the same lorry, brought to the very same sculptor.

Why then do people from all over the world come all the way here just to step on me while they admire and praise so much? This is so unfair.”

A best motivational Story

The marble statue replied,” My dear friend oh tile, Do you remembered when both of us sat there side by side in the sculptor's workshop in our original forms a marble blocks? And do you recollect how the sculptor chose you to work on you first?  He started using his tools on you simply to turn you into a masterpiece. But you resited. You started falling apart.”

“ Of course, I remember,” said the marble tile. “ I hate that guy. How could he use those sharp tools on me? I hurt so much worse.”

The marble statue continued,” That’s right. When you couldn’t take a pain of his tools he decided to give up on you and start working on me instead. I knew at once, that if I had to be something different, I would have to bear the pain. Thinking so Instead of resisting I bore all the pain of the sharp tools he used on me.”

The marble statue again said,” My friend, there is a price to everything in life. Since you decided to give up halfway, you cannot blame anybody who steps on you now.”

Our life is a sculptor, wants to make a masterpiece out of you. But the question is whether you are ready to handle every test, every hard knock, every trouble, every failure; all the pain that comes from these sculpting tools and became a masterpiece.

Or if you grumble and crumble down to simply became a tile. That is what decides whether people step on you or admire you as you become a role model for someone.

Gaur Gopal Das

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